Available courses

The Australian Civil-Military Centre's introductory online learning program on Women, Peace and Security

This online program aims to develop and strengthen your awareness and understanding of WPS, it provides a basic level understanding of the key concepts and issues related to the roles, contributions and engagement of women in all aspects of peacemaking, peacekeeping, peacebuilding, and humanitarian assistance - in conflict and post-conflict contexts. This includes post-conflict rebuilding of communities and disaster management.

A focus on the coordination of operational planning between civilian and military actors in priority countries in the region–Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, Myanmar and the Philippines.

United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination

The United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) is part of the international emergency response system for sudden-onset emergencies. UNDAC teams can deploy at short notice (12-48 hours) anywhere in the world. They are provided free of charge to the disaster-affected country, and deployed upon the request of the United Nations Resident or Humanitarian Coordinator for the affected government. UNDAC is designed to help the United Nations and governments of disaster-affected countries during the first phase of a sudden- onset emergency, as well as assist in the coordination of incoming international relief at national level and/or at the site of the emergency.

Site announcements

Women, Peace and Security online course available now!

by Alan Ryan -

To complete ACMC’s Women, Peace and Security online course, click on the link course name, create an account, receive your confirmation email and enrol in the course.

Rich Media (Video) Content Accessibility Update

by Damian Schroeter -

Please be advised that this online course includes rich media content in the form of embedded videos from YouTube and/or Vimeo. We are aware that some networks may restrict a students accessibility to rich media players due to individual organisational ICT policies. 
Our team are looking into alternatives that may be available to ensure the ability to play all videos on restricted networks. Until such time, if you are having issues playing the embedded video content, you may consider loading that particular course page on a personal mobile device or contacting your own IT department to explore options to play rich media. 

Thank you.

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